Let’s Go Zero!

We invite you to visit the exciting exhibition and educational programme Let’s go to Zero!. Örreke is the exhibition’s Education Programme Manager.

The Let’s Go Zero! exhibition will bring visitors up to date with today’s disposable choices and their long-lasting alternatives. Come with your team on a tour of the exhibition and raise both your and your team’s environmental awareness. You can combine your visit to the exhibition with a guided tour and a zero-cost workshop (beeswax making, homemade cleaning products, a circulating Christmas card).

The exhibition will be open in the outdoor and indoor areas of the Salme Cultural Centre in Tallinn. You can see, among other things, a humpback whale made from 30 000 cones and giant creatures made from fishing nets. In the courtyard, you can see the photo exhibition “There is no waste in nature” and  sunset paintings made from 8,000 bottle corks. In the lobby of the cultural centre, a spectacular three-metre high wave of plastic bottles stands. On the second floor of the exhibition are the “Think with your head” galleries, where everyday disposables replace the heads of mannequins. The textile room, meanwhile, brings us face to face with the madness of fast-fashion and the amount of leftover clothing we dump on the world every year.

The guided tour of the exhibition lasts 60 minutes, with the option of a 45-minute zero-cost workshop. The guided tour and workshop are subject to a fee and depend on the size of the group.

The exhibition is open all year round in different towns in Estonia. Look here for more information.

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