Pysanka workshop

In the Pysanka workshop we will learn how to decorate Easter eggs the way it is done in Ukraine – by drawing national patterns on eggs with a melting wax.


45-60 min


From 10


Studio Örreke or we will come to your place

Detailed description of the workshop

In the Pysanka Workshop we learn how to decorate Easter eggs the way it is done in Ukraine. The tradition of making Easter eggs goes back many years and the skill has been passed down from generation to generation. National patterns are applied to the eggs with a melting wax, giving them a specific meaning and significance. The workshop is led by an Ukrainian woman. To decorate the eggs, we use both Ukrainian and Estonian national patterns and other personal shapes. Everyone can bring an empty white egg to the workshop. Easter is on different dates every year. In the Örrekes masterclass, however, you can learn Pysanka all year round. The workshops are for adults and children starting from middle school.

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