Flute bag embroidery

In the flute embroidery workshop, we learn simple embroidery stitches and decorate new items with them or give worn items a fresh addition.


45-60 min


From 10


Studio Örreke or we will come to your place

Detailed description of the workshop

“The last time I did embroidery was in high school!”, “It’s so nice to sit here in a quiet schoolhouse and do crafts together!”, “We could continue this kind of craft workshop after Christmas!” – these are the emotions that resonate from the flute embroidery workshop. Parents were the embroiderers and it all took place over a couple of evenings in a quiet but mysterious school building. At the class Christmas party, the children were delighted to find their favourite activities embroidered on the flute bag. The good elves were recognised in every way! Cute flute bags help children quickly find their flute in the hustle and bustle of the school day and run off to a lesson. In the flute embroidery workshop, we remind you of simple embroidery techniques and spend a couple of evenings in the school building learning some beautiful folk embroidery. The workshop is designed for parents and the flute bags as a Christmas present for children who are starting or are currently learning to play flute. Of course, embroidery stitches can also be used to decorate other items or to freshen up worn clothes with a little addition. We’re proud that flute bag embroidery project of Örreke won a special prize in the 2016 competition “National embroidery in everyday life” of the magazine “Handicraft”.

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