Homemade hand cream is good to make of coconut oil. We get shea butter in Örreke from the village of Kongo, Ghana, with the help of Mondo NGO. In addition, you need some vegetable oil. I had olive oil, grape seed oil and almond oil at home. Be sensible and careful when adding fragrance oil or essential oil. In my workshops, I also always remind people that lotion is not a fragrance oil. Depending on the amount, you could limit yourself to 1-3 drops. For an exact recommendation on the amount, please refer to the instructions for use of the respective oil and it is best not to exceed it. It is safer to add your favourite fragrance oil instead. Vitamin E is a source of skin youthfulness. Vitamin E will also help your homemade cream last a little longer. The easiest way to buy it from a pharmacy. If you make a cream for children, or with children, you don’t need to add vitamin E to the cream. Of course, we don’t use any artificial preservatives, so the recommendation is to make a small amount that you will use up in a couple of weeks.

Easy recipe for 20 g of cream

Put room temperature fat and oil in a bowl and mix with a fork until smooth. Now start whisking the mixture, still with the fork. Whisk until the mixture becomes light and doubles in volume. If you wish, you can now add the fragrance oil and vitamin E. Mix gently and the cream is ready. Put into a small jar. Write on the jar what cream it is and the date when it was made.

Read more about Shea butter here.

You can also buy the cream making kit from the Örreke e-shop.

Watch the short video tutorial on making cream here.